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Sri Lankan Christians Hope to Serve Vast Refugee Population
Hundreds of thousands are living in tents and looking for family members.
Creation Care without the Baggage
Flourish conference teaches pastors to engage environmental needs without dividing their congregations.
Remembering Francis Schaeffer
Twenty-five years after the philosopher-evangelist's death, Os Guinness recalls a great man's influence.
Evangelicals and Torture
A new study says white evangelicals are most likely to justify torture. What shall we make of that?
Eager to Study the Early Church?
Two donors have helped create a new patristics program at Wheaton College.
Eager to Study the Early Church?
Two donors have helped create a new patristics program at Wheaton College.
Can We Separate Creation Care from Political Action?
Flourish Conference hopes to equip churches, not create "prophetic single-issue advocates."
Holocaust Remembrance and Christian Responsibility
The history of Christian relationships with the Jews has both its bright spots and its dark corners.
Holocaust Remembrance and Christian Responsibility
The history of Christian relationships with the Jews has both its bright spots and its dark corners.
Born-Again Atheist Makes Gradual Return to Belief
A. N. Wilson, debunking biographer of C. S. Lewis and Jesus, has had many second thoughts.
The Mind of the Emancipator
Abraham Lincoln was not a philosopher, but to him ideas mattered.
The Great Passing On
Goodbye to Pete Hammond and Ignite Your Faith.
Long Live the Law
What would John Calvin say to Dick Cheney?
Misery Longs for Company
Ted Haggard bemoans his "exile" in a new HBO documentary.
Book Report: Picture This
A Perfect Pearl
A small gospel can be a beautiful thing.
Congo Violence Creates New Humanitarian Crisis
Lynne Hybels issues passionate video plea.